"Today, I was proud to join my fellow Ohioans in introducing a bill to make the Kol Israel Holocaust Memorial a national memorial.On #YomHaShoah let us all take a moment to remember the millions who were murdered during the Holocaust and recommit to the promise of #NeverAgain."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from David Joyce:
"The Biden Administration's proposed FY23 @Interior budget continues our nation's fall from #energy independence and does nothing to help hardworking families getting crushed by skyrocketing #gasprices.We can't afford to keep locking America out of domestic energy production."Read on Twitter
".@RSI knows that the #HOPEAct will break down barriers for countless Americans trying to reenter society. Proud to have their endorsement With bipartisan bills like HOPE, Congress has the chance to #passprogress and enact #cannabis reform that will improve millions of lives."Read on Twitter
"Found a surprise outside my office window this morning" on April 27Read on Twitter